Antivirus For Computer And Software

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Anti-Spam For Businesses.

Our Email Security makes enterprise-class email filtering available to all types of businesses.
More than 90 deep and intelligent tests are run on every single email, ensuring that 99% of all spam is identified and removed
before it even reaches its destination.

Boundary Layer Check

This checks if the destination email address is valid, otherwise the email is immediately rejected.

Boundary Layer Check

This checks if the destination email address is valid, otherwise the email is immediately rejected.

Vulnerable Detection

Identifies mail-server and email client security exploits that have yet to be detected by the anti-virus scanners.

Vulnerable Detection

Identifies mail-server and email client security exploits that have yet to be detected by the anti-virus scanners.

Anti-Virus Protection

Scans email content and attachments to prevent known viruses from reaching the inbox.

Anti-Virus Protection

Scans email content and attachments to prevent known viruses from reaching the inbox.

Anti-Spam Protection

Over 90 deep tests intelligently scan and detect spam sent to the destination email addresses.

Anti-Spam Protection

Over 90 deep tests intelligently scan and detect spam sent to the destination email addresses.

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